Get free Whois privacy with Hover
Privacy is included for free on all eligible domains

Keep your personal information safe with free Whois Privacy
Hover takes privacy and data protection seriously. We do not display personal data in the public Whois unless you specifically request it.
Enabled by default
Our Whois Privacy is enabled by default on all domains, ensuring you the highest possible level of data privacy.
Completely free
We don’t charge for Whois Privacy. We believe privacy is a right, not an upsell.
Included on all eligible domains
The vast majority of top-level domains (like .COM or .NET) support Whois privacy, so yours should be covered.
What if I want to display my information in the public Whois?
We can enable this for you free of charge. This feature is supported on all generic top-level domains (TLDs), such as .COM, .NET, .ART, and hundreds more. It is not supported on some country-code TLDs (ccTLDs). CcTLDs are two-character domain extensions tied to a specific nation or region.
If you’d like to have your contact data displayed in the public Whois, simply reach out to our support team. You’ll be asked to confirm your consent via email. Once you do, the change will register in 24-48 hours.