Get a .MOE Domain Name from Hover

What could be mo' cute than a a couple of quirky cartoon characters? It started when you discovered anime. You first fell in love with the adorable Pokémon creatures, all of the Digimon digital monsters, and Luna and Artemis on Sailor Moon. For a long time, you operated a little blog dedicated to your favourite and most adorable things. People around the world would flock to your upbeat and lighthearted content - something so full of bright happiness and genuine innocence. You moved on from obsessing to actually drawing. Your cartoons of chubby-cheeked critters and dough-eyed characters are shared all over! You love seeing your squeezable work in full colour. When you were considering a domain for your brand, you wanted something that spelled out exactly what it was and who your target market is, so you grabbed the .MOE domain.

Whatever adorable and cute thing you obsess over and geek out on deserves to shine online. Put all the precious things you love on a .MOE domain extension.

Registrations, Renewals, & Transfers
$18.99/ year USD

Why own a .MOE Domain Name

The domain for celebrating Otaku culture. "Moe" (pronounced as “moh-ay”) is a slang word rooted deep in the Japanese Otaku culture, meaning a particular type of “adorable” or “cute” towards fictional characters, people, animals, anything. Going beyond Otaku, it can also be used to express a deep feeling or passion for something you love — similar to how others would use the word "geek." Find your .MOE today!

A Little History about .MOE

"Moe" is derived from a Japanese word, moeru, that is somewhat synonymous with both geek and passion. It derives from a sub-culture of Japan, called Otaku, which is a term used for people who are obsessed with something, especially in terms of anime and manga. Moeru means "to bud" or "to sprout" and is best described as a feeling of excitement towards an object or character. Moe has often been used to describe “adorable” or “cute” characteristics of fictional or fantasy characters. From this, the .MOE domain name was created and released to the public on July 22nd 2014. This Generic (though adorable!) Top-Level Domain (gTLD) can be registered by anyone without restriction. Neustar is the backend registry and Interlink is the main registry for the .MOE domain name.

What do I get with my .MOE domain?

  • Available Terms 1–10 years
  • WHOIS Privacy Supported Yes
  • Transfer Lock Supported Yes
  • Auth Codes Required for Transfer Yes
  • DNSSEC Supported Yes
  • Tiered Price Supported Yes

    This domain extension supports tiered price domain names. Tiered pricing means that the domain registry has marked some some domain names within this extension as costing more or less than others. Tiered pricing domain names will appear with a blue star, and they have different registration prices than normal. Hover offers tiered pricing to give you the most options when it comes to buying domain names. Tier prices are determined by the registry, and not Hover.