Get a .LINK Domain Name from Hover

You're linked up and linked in. You connect with your customers across the world and you allow your customers to connect even further and expand their network. You're a social platform for businesses that allows people to share links and promote their company with ease. People can provide updates on anything about their company, their industry, or themselves. Everyone is sharing links on the platform, so you decided the best thing to own for your brand was the .LINK domain. Your brand is all about links and linking people together, after all.

No matter who or how you're linking up grab the domain name that connects your brand to the Internet.

Registrations, Renewals, & Transfers
$12.99/ year USD

Why own the .LINK Domain Name

Your bridge to the internet. Information has never been as easily accessible as it is in today’s digital world. Links are the bridge to the information we seek; they make online navigation possible. .LINK is an intuitive and familiar choice for any site and will stand out on as links on websites and search results.

A Little History about .LINK

The .LINK domain name extension is managed by Uniregistry. They believed that links are essentially the building blocks of the web and that links connect you, allow you to navigate, and take you around the Internet. Link and linking are common words associated with connecting and the Internet. The .LINK domain has been around since April 14th 2014 and has nearly 150,000 registrations. .LINK is available for registration by anyone without restriction.

What do I get with my .LINK domain?

  • Available Terms 1–10 years
  • WHOIS Privacy Supported Yes
  • Transfer Lock Supported Yes
  • Auth Codes Required for Transfer Yes
  • DNSSEC Supported No
  • Tiered Price Supported Yes

    This domain extension supports tiered price domain names. Tiered pricing means that the domain registry has marked some some domain names within this extension as costing more or less than others. Tiered pricing domain names will appear with a blue star, and they have different registration prices than normal. Hover offers tiered pricing to give you the most options when it comes to buying domain names. Tier prices are determined by the registry, and not Hover.