Get a .BEER Domain Name from Hover

Beer, beer, beer ba-ba-ba-beer! Your brewery and bar combo is the spot in town for, you guessed it, beer. You offer craft beer, light beer, dark beer, small beer, tall beer, near beer, far beer. Your supply is endless and you are always experimenting with the wild and crazy flavours: pumpkin pie, peanut butter, chocolate strawberry and the go-to classics of creamy pale ales and heavy stouts. Your customers come in droves anytime you release a new beer at your brewery. You've recently launched your website so that you can sell merchandise and six-packs of your limited edition beers and you knew you belonged on the .BEER domain name.

Whether you make beer, drink beer, or simply appreciate beer, put your brand on a domain name that represents the central focus of your business. The .BEER domain name was brewed with you in mind.

Registrations, Renewals, & Transfers
$37.99/ year USD

Why own the .BEER Domain Name

Cheers to your new domain name! Whether it's at the pub after a long day, on the couch watching the big game or lounging at the cottage, people love a good beer. Microbreweries, bars, restaurants, and enthusiasts can now choose a .BEER domain for their next website and have one more way to celebrate their favourite beverage. Bottoms up!

A Little History about .BEER

The .BEER domain name is a Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) connected with the Food and Drink category. It is available for registration by anyone without restriction. On September 25th 2014 the .BEER gTLD was released to the general public. The registry for the front end is Minds + Machines Group Ltd and Nominet on the back end. The goal for the .BEER is to provide a domain for anyone or brand to associate themselves with the beer industry in a positive way.

What do I get with my .BEER domain?

  • Available Terms 1–10 years
  • WHOIS Privacy Supported Yes
  • Transfer Lock Supported Yes
  • Auth Codes Required for Transfer Yes
  • DNSSEC Supported No
  • Tiered Price Supported Yes

    This domain extension supports tiered price domain names. Tiered pricing means that the domain registry has marked some some domain names within this extension as costing more or less than others. Tiered pricing domain names will appear with a blue star, and they have different registration prices than normal. Hover offers tiered pricing to give you the most options when it comes to buying domain names. Tier prices are determined by the registry, and not Hover.